Add a custom evaluator

Root Signals provides evaluators that fit most needs, but you can add custom evaluators for specific needs. In this guide, we will add a custom evaluator and tune its performance using demonstrations.

Example: Weasel words

Consider a use case where you need to evaluate a text based on its number of weasel words or ambiguous phrases. Root Signals provides the optimized Precision evaluator for this, but let's build something similar to go through the evaluator-building process.

  1. Navigate to the Evaluator Page:

    • Go to the evaluator page and click on "New Evaluator."

  2. Name Your Evaluator:

    • Type the name for the evaluator, for example, "Direct language."

  3. Define the Intent:

    • Give the evaluator an intent, such as "Ensures the text does not contain weasel words."

  4. Create the Prompt:

    • "Is the following text clear and has no weasel words"

  5. Add a placeholder (variable) for the text to evaluate:

    • Click on the "Add Variable" button to add a placeholder for the text to evaluate.

      • E.g., "Is the following text clear and has no weasel words: {{response}}"

  6. Select the Model:

    • Choose the model, such as gpt-4-turbo, for this evaluation.

  7. Save and Test the Evaluator:

Improve the custom evaluator performance

You can add demonstrations to the evaluator to tune its scores to match more closely to the desired behavior.

Example: Improve the Weasel words evaluator

Let's penalize using the word "probably"

  1. Go to the Weasel words evaluator and click Edit

  2. Edit the Prompts sections

  3. Add a demonstration

    • For the output: "This solution will probably work for most users."

    • Score: 0,1

  4. Save the evaluator and try it out

Note that adding more demonstrations, such as

  • "The project will probably be completed on time."

  • "We probably won't need to make any major changes."

  • "He probably knows the answer to your question."

  • "There will probably be a meeting tomorrow."

  • "It will probably rain later today."

will further adjust the evaluator's behavior. Refer to the full evaluator documentation for more information.

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